I am writing this letter to clarify myself, Bruce Park, my wife and my five adult children's position on Park Cattle Co. policies and attitudes on both Carson Valley and Lake Tahoe issues.
First, I grew up in Carson Valley and have ranched and farmed all my life in Douglas, Mono and Lyon counties. I was president of Park Cattle Co. for 11 years ending in 2004.
I am not taking a position of growth or non-growth. My position is part of my heritage and the respect and integrity that is expected of all of us in our community. During my tenure at Park Cattle Co., I learned about the planning process and even if I didn't like it, I respected it and the people it affected.
With that being said, myself, Nancy and my five adult children are very disappointed in Park Cattle Co.'s management style of using their rapidly diminishing influence to be the "exception to the rules," both at Tahoe and in our Valley. I am firmly against Park Cattle's attempt to be such.
As for Tahoe, I am very disappointed that Park Cattle Co.'s policies appears to be "management" through litigation and strong-arm tactics.
There are positions of Park Cattle Co. at Tahoe that are legitimate.
However, putting others at risk and demanding outcome only favorable to Park Cattle Co. is not acceptable.
I have always been proud to be a Park, proud of my grandfather, my father, Nancy and my children. In conclusion, I want to make it clear that when Park Cattle Co. is referred to as "Park," it is not the Park of my heritage.
With respect to the community.
n Bruce Park is a Yerington resident and former president of Park Cattle Co.