On Dec. 17 you published a letter from Craig Lewis titled "National sales tax fairest way to go."
I would like to add a bit to Mr. Lewis's letter.
A few years ago an attorney gave us a program at the Minden Rotary Club. He told us that in his 25 years as a practicing tax attorney, he had seen way too many lives destroyed by the IRS.
He was so disillusioned by the current income tax system that he researched possible alternatives.
The solution that he found was the FairTax, which is in fact a national sales tax.
The FairTax system was developed by a team of economists from leading universities across the country. If it is implemented, the income tax would be abolished, as would the taxes for Medicare and Social Security that are withheld from your paycheck. If you earned $1,000 in your pay period, your paycheck would be $1,000. What a concept. In addition, every family in America who are legal citizens would get a check in the mail every month for around $300. This is called a "prebate."
The entire system is explained on the website FairTax.org. I urge anyone interested in eliminating our horrible income tax system to study the FairTax. It is extremely well researched, and if implemented would simplify our lives incredibly. April 15 would be just another day.
Stuart Pardee