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Douglas County 

Board of County Commissioners Meeting 

Public Hearing 

A hybrid meeting of the Douglas County Board of Commissioner will be held on November 4, 2021 at 1:00 pm, in the Douglas County Commissioner Meeting Room at the Historic Courthouse, 1616 Eighth Street, Minden and on Zoom®. The Board reserves the right to: 

take items in a different order; combine two or more agenda items for consideration; remove items from the agenda; and/or delay discussions relating to an item on the agenda at any time. 

Douglas County is actively monitoring and managing the COVID-19 level of risk in our community by implementing procedures to minimize contact among individuals and to slow the spread of COVID-19. In adherence with Governor Sisolak’s Declaration of Emergency and Directive 047, participants that attend the meeting in person will be required to wear a mask or face covering. 

The application(s) below will be considered under the Public Hearing portion of the meeting. The Agenda and Staff Reports will be online prior to the meeting. Please check the final agenda for Zoom® access information: http:// aspx 

For possible action. Discussion on Land Division Application DP 21-0225 for a Tentative Commercial Subdivision Map to subdivide a 6.73-acre parcel into 20 parcels, the smallest being .10 acres and the largest 3.65 acres. The project site is located at the northeast corner of Buckeye Road and Muller Parkway in the LI (Light Industrial) zoning district in the Minden Community Plan. The applicant is Bruce Scott, Resource Concepts, representing the owner David Park, Park Ranch Holdings, LLC (APN 1320-28-000-043). 

Case Planner: Lucille Rao 775-782-6218 

The files associated with these hearings are available for public inspection at the Douglas County Community Development Department, Minden Inn, Room 202, 1594 Esmeralda Avenue, Minden, NV. Questions and comments can be directed to the Case Planner(s) above, by email to or fax comments to 775-782-9007. 

Pub: October 21, 2021 Ad#18071