Genoa, Nev. — On a somewhat blustery Friday evening, the Sheriff’s Office turned out for Capt. Joe Duffy’s retirement party at Minden Meat & Deli. It was a lot of fun despite the occasional 30 mph wind gust.
I’m having difficulty reconciling the 2 inches of snow that reportedly fell over the weekend at Hagen’s Meadow in the Carson Range with other snow telemetry across the Carson Range.
I scouted Jobs Peak this morning and it pretty much had the same snow patches clinging to it I saw on Thursday. There’s a nice fog bank down by the river.
Skyland looks like it won the rain gauge lottery over the weekend with .8 inches of rain falling over the last 72 hours. The Numbers fire gauge in Thompson Canyon above Pine Nut Creek had .63 inches.
It’s Labor Day, so lots of places are closed, including The Record-Courier. I’ll be checking my email through the day, so if you need something, drop me a line.
If you’re going out and about today, anticipate a lot of weekenders on the road home, including Burners. They will likely be pretty easy to spot after the weekend’s rain. I don’t see where there’s a cause of death or identity for the deceased at Burning Man.
Expect sunny skies and a high temperature of 75 degrees today. We might see more showers tonight, but odds are pretty slim. Looks like a fairly nice short week ahead.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.