Ministers prepare for National Day of Prayer

More than 25,000 prayer events are expected to take place Thursday across the nation, as millions of Americans participate in the 51st annual National Day of Prayer.

Observances will occur in churches, schools, courthouses, prisons and other locations. In Carson City, the celebration is held on the steps of the Capitol.

"The Carson City community will be drawn to attention (of the event) by the chimes (from the Laxalt Building) at noon, which will play appropriately themed music," said the Rev. Patrick Propster, vice president of the Carson City Ministerial Fellowship.

"Mayor Ray Masayko has arranged for this."

"This event this year is sponsored and spearheaded by the Carson City Ministerial Fellowship," Propster said.

The president's proclamation will be read as will one by Governor Guinn, by a representative. Mayor Masayko will read his own proclamation.

"The verse for this year is Psalm 46:1. 'God is our refuge and strength; and ever present in trouble.' And the theme for this year is, 'America, United Under God.'

"Wouldn't it be grand if we had the same kind of turnout with camaraderie and strength and unity as a nation as what happened after Sept. 11?," Propster said.

"Everyone joined together in prayer at the capitol."

The ceremony will begin at 12:10 p.m. with several leaders of the believing community in attendance.

"We want to have as much across the board representation as we can," said Propster.

The Carson City Ministerial Fellowship also organized an event called "Prayer 9-11," which allows the community to gather at 7 p.m. on the 11th of each month to continue praying for victims and their families of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The prayer sessions are held at a different church each month and will culminate on Sept. 11, the one-year anniversary of the attacks, at the Carson City Community Center. The May 11 Prayer 9-11 gathering will be held at Father's Heart Church, 480 Clear Creek Road.

"The Prayer 9-11s have started to pull the community together. There is handshaking across fences that used to be walls. It's awesome."

Father's Heart church will share music worship for National Day of Prayer. Propster said activities have been narrowed down in efforts to allow those attending while on their lunch breaks time to return to work.

"This is so everyone can participate and not miss out on anything," said Propster.

Guest speakers are being confirmed and programs will be handed out.

In 1952, a joint resolution by Congress, signed by President Truman, declared an annual, national day of prayer. In 1988, the law was amended and signed by President Reagan permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May.

Each year the president signs a proclamation encouraging all Americans to pray on this day. For the past three years, all 50 state governors plus the governors of several U.S. territories signed similar proclamations.

use file art from May 3, 2001


WHAT: National Day of Prayer

When: Noon-12:45 p.m.

Where: Capitol steps


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