Alaska brown bears at the Carson Nugget

Carol Bailey of Washoe Valley will present a special color slide program on Alaskan brown bears on Jan. 15 at the Carson Nugget. Her program is entitled "The Bears of Katmai." It is about the various bears that she encountered on her 2000 and 2001 trips to Katmai. That area has the highest concentration of brown bears in the world. Hunting is prohibited and the nearest roads are 150 miles away.

Bailey is a nationally-known, award-winning photographer and has traveled to such places as the Brooks River in Alaska, Point Churchill in Canada and Africa.

Bailey's presentation will be at the first meeting of the year for the Ormsby Sportsmen's Association (OSA) of Carson City.

That meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 15 in the Carson Nugget Convention Center.

All OSA meetings and functions are free of charge. They are open to all club members and anyone else interested in hunting, fishing, camping, outdoors, etc.

OSA annual membership dues are $5 for adults and $2 for youngsters under the age of 16.

For information, call President Norm Budden at 884-0348 or Bob "Slick" McCulloch at 882-5939.


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