Man known for his riding will carry torch

Indian Hills resident Glen Lucky will cover some familiar ground when he carries the Olympic torch through Carson City on its way to Salt Lake City.

Lucky, 49, pedals Carson City's streets on his three-wheel bicycle on an almost daily basis doing his job, showing off advertisements pulled behind on a trailer. For decades, Lucky has made the trek from his Indian Hills home, despite the weather, even if he feels tired.

"It was a teacher from Jacks Valley that nominated me," Lucky said. "She sees me out there every day. I think she thought it might be a great idea to nominate me. I am honored to be chosen."

Maggie Kersten, who teaches third grade at Jacks Valley Elementary School, recommended Lucky as a torchbearer.

Lucky, who has had cerebral palsy since he was 1, plans to use his walker as he carries the torch. He may be helped along by his sisters Joyce Bowman and Sandy Priday. Lucky lives with his mother, Peggy Lucky.

"My walk is dedicated to my mom and dad, my best friend Lynette Jackson, the victims and families in New York City and Washington, D.C., and the late Dale Earnhardt, number 3," Lucky said in a recent interview.

Lucky will carry the torch for 100 yards.


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