Lyon County master plan changes OK'd

DAYTON -- With neighboring counties capping their own growth, Lyon County planners figure it will only add to the already burgeoning home-building industry along the Highway 50 corridor.

In unanimously approving 21 changes to the recently approved West Central Lyon County Master Plan -- which could mean 4,800 new homes -- the planning commission Tuesday looked to meet the demands of the expected influx.

"I think it is important to note the passing of question of Question 4 in Douglas County opens up Dayton, Carson City and Smith Valley to growth we haven't even conceived of yet," board member Ken Gardner said.

Carson City has had a 3 percent cap on residential building permits since 1983.

Chase Development representative Glen Martell said approval of the 21 amendments define the plan in greater detail and would help create a road map for development in the area.

"That is why it is important we plan and set that vision for development. This is an area that is going to see continued growth for the foreseeable future," he said in support of changing master plan designations on 2,300 acres of land, extending from Rose Peak to Six Mile Canyon Road north of Highway 50.

"With Douglas County's growth constraints, this identifies what will happen. It will only speed things up and it is even more critical to have a plan everyone has reviewed and knows the general direction of."

Planning Commissioner Chuck Davies agreed. "If they are all going to come running over to Lyon County, it is important we have this in place," he said.

Martell said the changes were made with the intention of staying within the vision of the new master plan adopted by Lyon County commissioners Nov. 7. If adopted by county commissioners, it would become the new master plan for this area.

"The new master plan allows about 5,500 homes, our plan would allow a little more then 4,700," Martell said. "From strictly a residential density point of view, I think we're very consistent with the new master plan."

Martell estimated a 15- to 20-year buildout of the project, with approximately 300 homes going up per year.

According to information supplied to Martell by the Nevada Department of Transportation, the population of the Dayton area in 2004 is estimated at 12,665, up from 3,304 in 1999 and 5,907 in the last census.


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