Stagecoach seeks own post office

Want to see confusion? Try ordering something online and giving a Stagecoach address and a Silver Springs ZIP code.

That's one of the many reasons Stagecoach resident Dorothy Hubbell is seeking support for a post office and a ZIP code for the central Lyon County community.

Hubbell, whose family purchased property in Stagecoach in 1972, said people have been trying to get a post office for the community for more than a decade.

"It has been very difficult to have Silver Springs' ZIP Code, because when we get deliveries it shows we live in Silver Springs. When you have a checking account, we have to tell the bank very strongly to put down Stagecoach."

Lying 12 miles from Dayton's post office and nine miles from Silver Springs', Hubbell says Stagecoach is bearing the brunt of growth overflowing from Dayton.

"Our area is really growing," she said. "The growth in Dayton is starting to come in our direction. We're right here over the hill."

Hubbell, who is president of Can-Do Residents of Stagecoach Inc., said she counted 800 boxes in the postal-delivery clusters.

"Some have post office boxes in Dayton or Silver Springs," she said. "Some even have Carson City post office boxes. We are strung out all over."

With the prospect of 200 additional homes in subdivisions, Hubbell said she has started writing representatives, including Assemblyman Tom Grady and U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.

"I'm thinking of writing the president," Hubbell said.

Last week, the effort received the support of the Stagecoach Advisory Board and Hubbell plans to go in front of the Lyon County Commission on Thursday seeking a letter of support.

"We've been working pretty hard at this for quite a long time," she said.


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