Students get ready for prom

Prom king candidate Josh Brekken described himself as a spork.

"I'm the best of both worlds," he explained.

During an all-senior assembly Wednesday morning, prom queen and king candidates answered a series of questions, such as why they wanted to serve as king or queen and what was their favorite high school memory.

Another was, "Would you describe yourself as a spoon or a fork?"

Jessica Smallman, queen candidate, answered simply: "No."

Unlike Homecoming, the prom's king and queen candidates are selected by the teachers, then voted on by the students.

"It feels good that the teachers recognize us," said candidate Kirkwood Harris, 18.

Claudia Rios, 17, plans to cast her vote for Elaine Fuentes, 18, as prom queen.

"She's a very nice person," Rios said. "And she's a great student."

Regardless of royalty, senior Lindsey Perondi is looking forward to the dance Saturday night, with the theme, "A night for gods and goddesses."

"It's a big night and you get to dress up and get your hair done," she said. "You just feel special."

For others, the dance is just the beginning.

"I'm excited to go with my friends and for the big party afterward," said Natalie Mandoki, 17.

Students spent the first two days of this week concentrating on the dangers of drinking and driving through the Every 15 Minutes program in an effort to avoid any accidents this weekend.

Ryan Collins, 17, won't have to worry about driving at all. He's going to show up dressed in a tuxedo and riding in a limousine.

"I think it will be cool," he said.

The prom king and queen will be announced at the dance. For candidate Katie Perdomo, 18, it means only one thing: "I get to wear a tiara."

The high school's decorated gymnasium will be open Friday night for the annual "senior senior" prom for senior citizens in the community.

Prom king candidates:

Bryan Holloway, 18

Josh Brekken, 18

Kirkwood Harris, 18

Jeff Rogers, 17

Allen Wooldridge, 18

John Parmenter, 18

Edward Jaquett, 18

Prom queen candidates:

Katie Perdomo, 18

Rosalia Nunez, 17

Kate Keller, 18

Jessica Smallman, 17

Katie Torvinen, 18

Lauren Costella, 18

Elaine Fuentes, 18


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