Learn to fish

It will be held from 8 a.m. until noon.

Participants are requested to meet at the parking lot near the bridge on the Rosachi Ranch.

The clinic will be on the special regulation section of the East Walker River. This section is restricted to artificial flies or lures with single, barbless hooks. Catch and release only.

The four-hour session is designed for intermediate fly and spin fishermen. It will provide information on how to successfully fish this area, and it will also provide answers to typical East Walker River angling and tackle questions.

The clinic is free for all participants.

There is a minimum age of 10 to attend. A parent or guardian must accompany all children under the age of 16.

Pre-registration is required.

Participants should bring fishing license, waders, fishing tackle, drinking water, food, sunblock and a wide brimmed hat. No facilities are available.

To register or for information, call NDOW at 688-1559 during regular hours.


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