Improve putting to improve score

It's time to get the clubs dusted off and the golf game in shape for the season.

If you are committed to improving your game this year, the first step is to set realistic goals. The golfer often sets goals that are too far off in the distance.

For instance, if you consistently score around 100, it is unrealistic to expect to score in the low 80s this year. Low 80s may be your end goal but a more realistic goal for this year would be low to mid-90s. Improvement of five shots is a realistic and achievable goal for a person with an average score of 90 or 100. If you are an advanced golfer scoring 85 or better, a realistic goal for thisyear may be reducing your handicap by two or three shots.

Almost every golfer with an average score of above 90 can knock at least five strokes off their score with improved putting. For this reason I feel that we should start the season with a putting lesson. Lets not forget that with this commitment to improve your golf game must come a commitment to practice more.

There are two key factors to improved putting, distance control and consistent direction. To improve direction, simply place two clubs on the green about six inches apart and aiming at the hole. This acts as a chute and gives a great visual image of the direction of a putt.

To improve distance control, practice swining the putter back and forth equal distance. Place two tees in the ground and position the ball in the middle swing back and forward, coming to a complete stop at the forward tee.

You should feel no attempt to hit the ball. The ball is struck simply because it is in the way. With practice you should see that the ball goes the same distance with the same length of stroke.

These simple drills will make you a more consistent putter and shave strokes from your score.

Terry Gingell is a PGA Class A Professional and the Director of Instruction at Eagle Valley Golf Club. He's now taking signups for adult group lessons, year-round junior program and private lessons. Gingell can be reached at 887-7174.


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