Man robs liquor store with knife

Investigators are looking for the man who robbed Ben's Fine Wine and Spirits at 444 E. William St. about 8 p.m. Tuesday.

The man, described as white, about 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighing about 180 pounds, entered the store in black clothing, a black-knit ski mask and dark gloves. Brandishing a large hunting knife, he ordered two clerks to open the registers and place the money in a bag, according to Carson City Sheriff's Department reports.

The clerks, a man and a woman, did so. The man left through the front door, turned right and headed toward John Street on foot.

Investigators are reviewing security video footage of the crime.

Sheriff Kenny Furlong was in the area when the call went out. He stopped his car on John Street behind the store hoping to see the fleeing robber.

"We didn't see him," he said. "He got out that quickly."

Deputies found a discarded mask and knife less than a block from the store.

There are three Ben's Fine Wine and Spirits stores in Reno and one in Carson City.

- Anyone with information about the robbery should call Detective Richard Mendoza at 887-2020, ext. 1405, Secret Witness at 322-4900 or the Carson City Sheriff's Department at 887-2008.


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