Vandals plague Carson windows

Appeal Staff Writers

The Carson City Sheriff's Department is seeking the public's help in gathering information leading to the arrest of suspects who threw rocks through windows of several homes late Friday.

Between 11:30 p.m. Friday and midnight Saturday large rocks were thrown through the front windows of four homes on Carson's west side.

"This was a particularly dangerous and destructive thing that somebody did," said Sheriff Kenny Furlong. "I would like the public's help on this. Many people were put into extreme jeopardy."

He said the rocks were about 10 inches long and weighed about 5 pounds.

"They were projectiles - they weren't just rocks," he said.

Homes on Oak Ridge Drive, Kensington Court, Mountain Street and Lane Circle were vandalized within a half an hour. The incidents were originally reported as explosions shattering windows, Furlong said.

"Evidently someone shot some good-sized rock through the windows," said one of the victims Saturday. "They weren't just thrown they were shot."

The victim said she could tell by the force of the projectiles that they weren't just tossed.

"They made holes in the screens, the windows exploded and the rocks went way far into the house. They couldn't have been thrown."

The damage was done to the dining room and bathroom windows.

"Thank goodness everybody was in bed," she said. "It's lucky it was the dining room and a bathroom and not a bedroom.

"It's terrible. Our house is in escrow that makes it even worse. Nobody was hurt that was the good side."

A second victim said he was working in his room when he heard a noise like a rifle shot.

"At first I thought it was a gun. I thought someone had shot a rifle," he said. "I went into the other room and looked out the a window. There was a loud crack and glass imploded into the room from the other window. It went all over the room.

"I'm still not sure what it was. A rock or a device that propelled something. Police said somebody else had something imbedded in their wall."

Both said they know of nothing like this happening in their neighborhood and can't think of why someone would do such a thing.

Officers working the case have a brief description of the suspects' vehicle, but are eager for more details. Anyone with any information about the incident is urged to call the Sheriff's Department at 887-2500 and ask for investigations.

"I hope the community will pull together and spread the word on this," Furlong said. "I want these vandals."


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