Incline district to discuss Ponderosa intent letter

INCLINE VILLAGE - At least a portion of the Ponderosa Ranch may wind up belonging to Incline Village.

Today, the Incline Village General Improvement District trustees will discuss and possibly approve a conditional letter of intent to purchase the parcels from the Ponderosa Ranch.

The purchase concerns at least six parcels in the parking lot area of the ranch that the district is interested in for the possibility of constructing an administration building, park or soccer fields.

The parcels are just a portion of the 21 parcels that comprise the 548-acre ranch, whose owners are hoping to sell to a consortium of local, state and federal government agencies.

Other items on the agenda will include project update reports on the Chateau, the effluent pipeline and the Championship Golf Course.

The board will also be asked to approve a grant from the Nevada Division of State Lands for the Third Creek fishery enhancement project and the awarding of a professional services contract for engineering and project management services.

The project, which includes restoring five culverted crossings, stream reconstruction and four golf cart bridges, along with ongoing maintenance expenses, will cost $508,000, with the district responsible for a 25 percent (approximately $127,000) match payment.

The meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. at the IVGID boardroom, 893 Southwood Blvd., Incline Village.


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