Students ready for return to school

The lazy days of winter are coming to an end for students across Carson City.

After two weeks of vacation, school will resume Monday, bringing in a new year and the final push to meet standards set for each grade level to advance to the next.

For some, the return to school has come too quickly.

"I've been playing my games on my Xbox and spending quality time with my family," said Michael Coyner, 13. "I'd rather have more time to spend with my family."

For others, returning is a relief.

"I'm bored," reported Katie Borgman, 9. "At school, I actually have to learn stuff and I get to go to recess with my friends."

Although the winter break is significantly shorter than the summer vacation, 12-year-old Cameron Carewicz enjoyed his time off.

"I like the winter," he said. "I've been making forts and having snowball fights."

High school seniors can see the end approaching as they return for the final semester of their school careers.

"I want to go back to school," said T.J. Watson, 17. "That way we can get the year done with and I can finally get out of school."

However, the final stretch may be the most difficult.

"Most of my college applications are due in the next two to three weeks," said senior Maria Urbina, 17. "A lot of scholarships are wrapping up around now. We're supposed to get started on our research papers for the senior project.

"I think everyone's just ready to be done. It's like that bitter-sweet feeling."

And, as with every new year, students are going to have to switch from writing 2003 on their papers to 2004.

But Anthony Round, 8, doesn't think it's going to be a problem.

"It's easy. I remember well."

Contact Teri Vance at or at 881-1272.


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