All it takes is someone with a need

Charles Leo Morton has thousands of stories. For the 82-year-old former motorcycle cop, one story leads into another until he's talked for an hour, but listeners barely notice the time.

A gift of a free wheelchair from the Carson City Lions Club on Friday will make Morton more mobile and allow him to share his stories with everyone.

"I think this is fantastic. If I reach a point where I really don't need this thing or it's a hindrance, I'll give it back, and they can give it to someone else," the retired Los Angeles Police Department officer said from his Indian Hills home.

Lions Club past council chairman Marco "Taz" Manor is a volunteer for Nevada Wheelchair Foundation's distribution of about 1,000 free wheelchairs in the north state.

The nonprofit organization leads a statewide effort to deliver a free wheelchair to anyone who needs one.

Over the next five years, the group plans to distribute between 7,000 to 10,000 chairs. To date, it has distributed approximately 600.

Morton, who had back surgery in November and relearned to walk with the help of a therapist, sat comfortably in his new chair, pondering where to put the motor.

He mentioned that his wife of 54 years, Janet Lee, is on oxygen and could probably also use a wheelchair.

Manor said he'd pick another one up from Nevada Wheelchair Foundation's Reno warehouse and be back later that day with it.

All it takes, Manor said, is someone with a need.

"If you need a wheelchair, call me, and I'll bring you one," he said.

Need Help?

What: Request a free wheelchair

Call: Marco Manor, 267-4794



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