Sentencing delayed for teen headed to prison

Sentencing for a teenager who pleaded guilty to a brutal rape was postponed Monday after the judge received two reports on what his sentence should be.

District Judge Michael Griffin agreed with defense attorney Tom Susich to wait two weeks before sentencing Brandon Hubbard, 17. Griffin also mentioned both sides should review a letter jail staff had allegedly intercepted from Hubbard.

"The jail sends letters to me when things that are being said pose an issue. I didn't read it," Griffin said. "(In the letter) they weren't saying nice things about me, I guess."

The letter was not made public.

Hubbard is accused of raping a woman he met at a Carson City bar in August 2002. He turned 16 shortly before the assault.

In October 2002, a juvenile magistrate certified him as an adult.

He was originally charged with four counts of sexual assault, two counts of battery with intent to commit sexual assault and kidnapping.

On April 21, he pleaded guilty to one count of attempted sexual assault. In exchange for the plea, the other charges were dismissed.

As part of the plea agreement, both sides have agreed on the recommendation of a maximum sentence of eight to 20 years in prison.

According to court documents, Hubbard allegedly met the victim at a Carson City bar on Telegraph Street on the evening of Aug. 2, 2002, one month after his 16th birthday. Later that same evening, they ran into each other at another bar on Winnie Lane.

The victim said it was then that Hubbard lured her across the street and raped her for the first time.

According to court documents, the victim said Hubbard repeatedly assaulted her over the course of three hours, and kept her under his control through force and death threats, walking her around the westside neighborhood.

From the back yard of a home on Michael Drive, the woman was able to escape and flag down a passing car. She and the motorist found a sheriff's deputy at 6:30 a.m.

Hubbard has been in custody since his arrest 23 months ago.

Contact F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.


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