Clients, staff at Eagle Valley Children's Home safe

Clients and staff of Eagle Valley Children's Home in northwest Carson City were among those evacuated Wednesday as a precautionary measure.

On Friday morning, administrative staff were allowed to return to the building on Eagle Valley Ranch Road. Clients are being housed at the Home's workshop on Research Way until it is determined safe for them to return.

"Everything's fine," said Respite Care Coordinator Mary Contreras. "The clients seem comfortable with everything.

"The first night nobody slept, but since then everyone is OK. It's not appeared to be terribly traumatic on anyone."

The home has 15 clients ranging in age from 10 to their late 30s.

After returning Friday morning, Contreras said the fire burned within 200 yards of the home.

"It burned to the edge of the golf course and up the hill (west of the home). There are two hotshot fire trucks in our parking lot keeping on eye on things. I can still see some of the ground smoldering which surprises me because there's not anything left to burn.

"I've wiped ash several times a day from my desk it is so thick. I didn't think we'd be able to come back this morning."

Contreras gives much credit of their quick evacuation to Sandy Garcia, swing shift supervisor, who started gathering clothes for the clients early Wednesday.

"They had everyone and everything packed and ready to go and were out of here within 15-20 minutes. And at a very leisurely pace. They were not rushed at all.

"That's how prepared everyone is. We can move our clients so quickly it doesn't take a lot of preparation to do so. The staff is just wonderful, they're prepared for anything."

Contreras said they are not in need of donations for anything at this time.

"We have so many employees they're working in shifts. They're just taking care of business. The clients are very well taken care of. It's just a little bit of an adventure for them."

Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.


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