Carson City Library seeks professional caterer for Oktoberfest

Carson City Library Foundation is recruiting the expertise of a professional caterer or restaurateur to oversee the food preparation for their annual Oktoberfest fund-raiser. Oktoberfest weekend is Oct. 1-2.

Traditionally Oktoberfest's menu has consisted of a variety of grilled sausages, sauerkraut, potato salad and a dinner roll. This year, committee planners aim to enhance the menu with an authentic German sausage dish, but need a professional to come forward with warming ovens and a desire to help.

"We have received a couple of very good recipes which would be simple to duplicate by preparing early, but when we consider the several hundred plates to be served, it is beyond our capability to deliver a quality dish with our limited equipment and know-how," said Pat Glick, president of the Carson City Library Foundation.

The overwhelming success of Oktoberfest's first five years indicates a continuing growth in attendance yearly.

"Change is good and it is time to look at new menu items which will add to the spirit of Oktoberfest," he said.

Anyone interested in assisting the Carson City Library Foundation as a volunteer caterer please contact Phyllis Patton at 885-9807.

Oktoberfest will be held at the Pony Express Pavilion in Mills Park.

Friday night's "Brats, Brews & Blues" will run from 6-11 p.m., and Saturday's Oktoberfest will run from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.

The Carson City Library is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday, Saturday and Monday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The library is at the corner of Roop and Washington streets. Call 887-2244 or visit the Web site at


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