Woman examining need for adult day care in Carson City

Diane Ross has no doubt there is a need for adult day care in Carson City. But she must hear from the community there are adequate numbers to fill the need.

Ross is executive director of The Continuum, an adult day-care facility in Reno. She has been working with Barbara Tonge at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center to develop a day-care center there.

"The census says absolutely, because our population is increasing," Ross said. "But the (day-care) centers are misunderstood and misused. It's not a baby-sitting place - it's a place the provides stimulation and understanding.

"This type of care center keeps seniors at home as long as possible, before having to be placed in a long-term care facility."

Ross said a minimum of 10 people are needed for the service to begin. Staff to patient ratio is one-to-five in addition to the director and volunteers, who will also be available.

"The client doesn't have to be here five days a week," Ross said. "But we are here to meet the needs of the caregiver as well as the client. They need a break, also."

A care-giving seminar will be held at the senior center from 1-4 p.m. Friday. Any person interested may attend, the fee is $10 per person and scholarship funds are available.

Tonge said she placed a survey in the center's newsletter recently to gauge interest in the day-care center. She received only one response.

"There seems to be a bigger need for this service but with only one response, I don't know," Tonge said. Those interested may call Tonge at the center, 883-0703.

Activities for clients include physical and mental exercises, with everything from nostalgia to memory games to keep them alert.

"We also offer pet therapy, sing-alongs, seasonal activities like arts and crafts - and we like to get the caregiver involved as much as possible," Ross added.

"Here the family will know their loved one is not only secure and safe, but know we can take care of special issues."

Ross said the person hired to direct the program may be a registered nurse, along with other paid positions and volunteers.

"The volunteers who come into The Continuum paint nails, do makeup - any kind of talent is a good thing."

Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at rcosta-landers@nevadaappeal.com or 881-1223.


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