Lassen soccer to host playoff game

The Lassen Community College women's soccer team has been seeded No. 2 in the Northern California playoffs.

That means as long as Lassen keeps winning, it will host all three of its playoff games at home on the way to the state Final Four. The top four seeds were American River, Lassen, West Valley and Sierra. Lassen will host a first round playoff game at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 16 at Riverside Park in Susanville, Calif.

"I wanted to play at night," Lassen coach Ben Wade said. "Not only because it will be more difficult for opposing teams to handle the cold, but because I want the entire community to come and and support us.

"Soccer has always bee important in Lassen County, but most of our games are in teh afternoons during the week. This will give everyone an opportunity to come cheer us on."

If the Lady Cougars win on Tuesday, they will face the winner between Fresno City and DeAnza at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 20 at Riverside Park.

Lassen features many Nevada players, including three Douglas High graduates - Jenny Jaggard, Brit Christen and Molly Hernandez.


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