No child left behind top on candidate's list

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Joanna Wilson

Candidate for School Trustee District 1

Describe your experience and training that qualify you for the position you are seeking.

I have a master's degree in special education and a law degree. My education gives me an insight into the education needs of district 1 and its legal obligations. I have served on the board for three and a half years, this past year serving as its president. I have been active in our schools and our community for many years. I served as PTSA president at Carson High School for two years, at Seeliger for two years, as well as many, many years as a classroom volunteer. I have served on several volunteer community boards, including Advocates Against Domestic Violence, the Northern Nevada Children's Museum and the Rural Mental Health Consortium. Most importantly, I am a mom of five children and have a very personal vested interest in our district.

What are your top three priorities for the Carson City School District for the next four years?

1. To meet and exceed the requirements of No Child Left Behind.

2. To improve communication between the district, the schools and parents, with an emphasis on making sure that all students feel welcome, safe, well-educated and important.

3. To provide the best possible learning environment for our children. An integral part of that will be to spend many hours at the Legislature lobbying our leaders to put education first in their budget so that education can become the forefront of our budget discussion, instead of what we can cut without harming the students.


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