Join today's rally at Legislature to help fight childhood poverty

Happy Presidents Day. While some of you have to work today, others can join the Nevada United Methodist Initiative on Children and Poverty's statewide Children and Youth Rally at the Legislature.

Also today, Kelly Marschall will present the Point in Time homeless count report. I read on the Appeal's Opinion page a letter from Marjie Chauvaux asking why they count people during winter. The count is a nationally designated day that many states participate in to ensure numbers can be obtained in a timely manner for state and federal funding.

Do I think that another count in the summer would be more productive? Of course. Mrs. Chauvaux knows what she is talking about, raising two children alone and trying to survive in substandard housing. Her statements come from first-hand experience that most of the general public would not understand. She asks why Section 8 has a two-year waiting list, and how many quality doctors in Nevada accept Medicaid? I ask those questions daily.

Another way to help the homeless is to help youth ministry director Alan Dorway and his youth group at First Presbyterian Church by gathering food to give to local organizations. Food can be dropped off at the church until March 4.

In observance of Black History Month, the Carson City Symphony, conducted by David Bugli, will perform a rare concert featuring William Grant Still's "Festive Overture" at the Carson City Community Center. Still, a black composer, arranger and oboist, composed more than 150 works, including five symphonies, four ballets and nine operas. He wrote the prize-winning "Festive Overture" in 1944.

The theme of Soroptimist International of Carson City's "Night at the Oscars" is "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend." It carries throughout the night with a chance to win a real diamond. Waiters will pour champagne while you enjoy the TV show and fabulous food.

Cathy Smith from St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School is donating new and gently loved children's books, up to eighth-grade level, to any group that could use them. In May, St. Teresa will hold a monthlong "baby shower" to collect new items for the Community Pregnancy Center. So if you see any great deals on baby items, buy them now.

Out and About

What: Nevada United Methodist Children and Poverty Initiative rally

When: 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. today

Where: Meet at First United Methodist Church Sanctuary, corner of Musser and Division streets

What: First Presbyterian Church youth group food drive

When: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays until March 4

Where: Church office, 306 W. Musser St.

Call: Alan Dorway at 882-1032

What: Carson City Symphony celebrates Black History Month

When: 4 p.m. Sunday

Where: Community Center, 851 E. William St.

Cost: Tickets are $12 general admission; $10 for seniors, students, and Symphony Association members; and free for age 16 and under. Tickets in advance at the Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., online at or at the door.

What: Soroptimist International of Carson City's "Night at the Oscars"

When: 5 p.m. Sunday

Where: Piñon Plaza

Cost: $30

Call: Kristi at 883-2211 or Carol at 886-2208

What: St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School book collection

Call: Any organization that needs children's books, should call Cathy Smith at 882-2079.

n Contact Kim Riggs at


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