Discipleship: Are your ears willing to hear?

Discipleship and mentoring are two hot topics and key words in Christendom. We hear a lot about both of these in the positive and the negative.

The positive we hear is that they are very important, and that there needs to be more of them. The negative is that there is a lack of these two things in churches.

With discipleship, there are two key elements that are needed: a discipler and the discipled. Within both of these there are two key elements needed: the willingness to disciple and the willingness to be discipled. "For he who has ears let him hear."

I don't quote that verse in a heady manner by any means, I quote it because I often pray it. I want to have ears that are willing to hear, for when they are ears that are willing to hear only then can we be discipled and mentored.

The Carson City Ministerial Fellowship, in totality, had recently a special guest that mentored those that were willing to hear.

A precious man who had been ordained 48 years ago came and spoke to us in his 75th year of life, answering a question that is a topic of discussion at every one of our meetings: What's the most important thing that you have learned in ministry?

After 48 years, the simplicity this precious man spoke, I think, is needed to be heard by all those who read this. Christ is first. Always be real. Be true to yourself. Stay biblical. Love God's people. John the apostle in chapter 4 says, "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love ... Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another."

Again I say, for he who has ears, let them hear. Mentorship and discipleship come from all sorts of places. When I woke up and prepared for my day on that precious Thursday morning when we gathered as fellow ministers of this community, I never thought I would be impacted, discipled, and mentored so deeply as profoundly as I was that morning. We must be willing to hear from any and all places. This is true discipleship.

When someone has walked in the shoes of brother Camp for the 48 years that he has and speaks simple words that, to him, are the greatest thing anyone can know in ministry, let us not forget them. Be yourself. Be real. Be humble. Put Christ first. Stay true to His word.

Here are two other quotes from aged men who walked in wisdom. Two days prior to his eternal promotion, the words of my friend's father to his grandsons were "always be sincere." The words that we have just read out of Scripture of the aged John were "Beloved, love one another."

Let us not have to become aged to live them. Discipleship comes with the listening ear, not the hearing one.

Pat Propster is pastor of Calvary Chapel in Carson City.


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