Senior tax may come off ballot

Commissioners could take a .25 percent sales tax initiative for a new senior center off the November ballot at Thursday's county commission meeting.

Members of the Senior Advisory Council split over whether to leave the tax initiative on the ballot, saying it can't compete with .5 percent sales tax question for the criminal justice system in Douglas County.

The .25 percent proposal for the senior center was approved by county commissioners in February.

Approval for the .5-percent proposal followed in April.

A decision is expected at a special meeting of the advisory council on Monday.

The result will be forwarded to the county commission Thursday for consideration.

The proposed .25 percent sales tax is flexible and could extend a maximum of 30 years. It could be used to fund other needs in Douglas County once the financial demands of the senior center have been met.

On the other hand, the .5 percent sales tax will be advisory and subject to legislative approval.

The Legislature approved a similar sales tax increase for Clark County, but the language was specific, limiting the legislation to Clark alone.

In other business:

• Commissioners will consider changes to the mixed-use commercial zoning ordinance, including raising the height of buildings from 45 to 50 feet in these specially-zoned areas. If the grade on the project site exceeds 5 percent, the height limit could be increased to 60 feet.

n Commissioners could approve an additional $26,000 for preparation of a United States Geologic Survey report that will refine estimates of the recharge rate in the Carson Valley.

The survey is working toward finalizing a water budget report for the Carson Valley this fall. Following discussions with survey staff, county officials requested additional information regarding water from the Sierra Nevada.

Total cost for this report, which would be due in 2007, is $52,000, half of which would be supplied by survey matching funds.

n Commissioners will provide direction for preparation of the final budget recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year.

Susie Vasquez can be reached at or 782-5121, ext. 211.


What: Douglas County Commission meeting

When: 1 p.m. Thursday

Where: Old courtroom of the Douglas County Administration Building, 1616 Eighth St. in Minden


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