Firefighters respond to Genoa blaze

A 10-acre fire is burning in the timber on the south side of Sierra Creek Canyon above Genoa.

The fire was started by a lightning strike at 8:15 p.m., according to Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators Information Officer Franklin Pemberton at 9 a.m. Saturday.

The fire is located near the top of the mountain and is in steep terrain difficult for firefighters to reach or work in.

Pemberton reports there are 100 firefighters either on order or arriving at the scene.

At present a helicopter, two hand crews and four single-engine air tankers are working on the fire. More air units, including two heavy tankers and two hotshot crews, are coming.

The fire doesn't pose any danger to structures or private property and no evacuations are anticipated.

However, Pemberton did ask people driving on Highway 395 through Carson Valley to be careful as motorists are slowing down to watch the smoke and the aircraft.


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