20/30 shopping spree

20-30 clubs take children shopping


This year's Sierra Nevada Active 20-30 Club shopping spree was a huge success, and of course, one of the most rewarding hands-on events we do all year. Sierra Nevada No. 730 raised $3,700 with the assistance of the men's Carson Valley Active 20-30 No. 85 club, and both clubs were able to take 37 children shopping.

Children came from the CASA program, Family Support Council and the Washoe Tribe this year. Kids ranged from 5 years old to 15 years old, which was great to see. Sometimes, teenagers get lost in the mix of charity, and it was nice to have a couple older kids show up as well.

With the $100, they got to purchase clothing, socks, shoes, underwear and, of course, backpacks if they chose. No toys and school supplies were purchased because Project School Days takes care of the supplies through the school district, and our Christmas program, Project Santa Claus, allows the club to christmas shop for items on the child's list such as toys.

After the shopping, the clubs took all the children to breakfast at McDonalds where they gave us a 50 percent discount on the cost of food. Some children also received a free hair cut from Cost Cutters in Minden.

We'd like to thank the sponsors that assisted us financially with the event: Bing Construction, Carson Valley Golf Course, Betsy Mauchley, Ethel Fleischer, Debbie and Tom Currence and Noel and Louise Manoukian.

Shannon Johnson

Sierra Nevada Active 20-30 Club


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