The R-C Morning Report

Douglas County planning commissioners meet this morning to debate approval of the 10-year update of the master plan. The meeting is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. in the Douglas County Administrative Building, 1616 Eighth St. Whatever action the planning commission takes this morning will be forwarded to the Douglas County commissioners. Planning commissioners delayed discussion of the master plan from their Nov. 14 meeting. It will require a supermajority of planning commissioners to approve the update.

It's sprinkling out this morning and there are a few squalls wandering around the Valley as the temperature hit 48 degrees before sunrise, which is only three degrees cooler than Monday's high in Minden. The National Weather Service is forecasting that a big, cold low-pressure system is heading this way. Whether it will turn or not will determine what we're doing this weekend, that's for sure. Should it actually arrive, snow levels will drop to the Valley floor.

Douglas High School students who failed to lock their car doors may have found a sucker inside with a reminder attached. Student copy editor Shannon Chatfield reports that members of Douglas High student newspaper staff and security guards went through the parking lot at the high school and placed suckers in the cars of those students who failed to lock their car doors. Like the man said, "Locks keep honest people honest."


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