What's happening now and looking back

Last Saturday was a "milestone" day for one couple in Topaz Ranch Estates. Tom and Carol Johnson, who have been residents of TRE for 26 years, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. To both of you, congratulations and may you have many more years together.

n Just a little over a week left before the 2007 Topaz Fishing Derby begins and along with opening day of that derby, Chuck and Linda Fields at Topaz Landing and Marina will host a one-day derby of their own. Open to anyone who wants to participate, sign-ups will begin Dec. 29 at the landing and continue through New Year's morning. The cost is $5 per person, which will go in a pot, winner takes all with the biggest catch of the day.

The number of people signed up for the Landing Derby will determine the amount of prize money.

"The pot has been as little as $150 and as much as $650," Linda Fields said. "Let's just hope we have decent weather."

Last year, opening day was marked by a tremendous amount of rain that caused wash-outs from the hillside above Genoa Street overlooking Topaz Lake and the Walker River was almost at flood stage. Linda remembered the year it snowed for opening day of the derby and laughed when she recounted a situation about trying to get boats into the water from the marina. One person had a 12-foot aluminum boat and actually "rode" it to the water like a toboggan.

"It was looking more like the Jamaican bobsled team," Linda said.

n Topaz Community Open Bible Church will have its special Christmas Eve service at 6 p.m. at the Topaz Ranch Estates Community Park building at the end of Carter Way. Pastor Ron and Nanci Carter would like to extend a thank-you to all who helped the church and the TRE Fire Department provide gifts and food boxes for families in our area. Your help was greatly appreciated.

Looking back

Where did this year go anyway? Looking back on some of the events of this last year, they all seem like a blur. Just a few things that come to mind as this year is fast coming to a close.

n This year saw the completion of East Fork Fire & Paramedic District Station 4, which doubled in size and added two full-time fire and paramedic personnel. Along with our wonderful volunteers, they will help provide a safer community. We also acquired an urgent care facility for community medical needs, two improvements that make south county better.

n The lightning-caused Jackass Fire lit up the skies above the Sweetwater Range after a late afternoon down-strike ignited what would rapidly char more than 6,000 acres of recreation, graze and mining lands.

n We lost long-time resident, historian and writer, Nyles Nation who wrote a book called "Pine Nut Chronicles."

n We lost another long-time resident, Darrell Daugherty, in a horrible car accident at the corner of Albite and Highway 208 which raised a campaign to have turn lanes created at four major access roads into TRE. So far, nothing has been accomplished.

Until next week, have a happy holiday, Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year and keep on keepin' on.

n Jonni Hill can be reached through The Record-Courier at jhill@recordcourier.com or by calling 782-5121, ext. 213, or after hours at JHILL47@aol.com


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