Student receives 2nd scholarship

Caleb Prudhomme was selected to receive a second $500 scholarship from the Masons of the five Lodges in Carson Valley, Carson City, and Silver City.

Every Friday, Free and Accepted Masons from the five local lodges meet at Sharkeys for lunch and are asked to donate a dollar each week for the scholarship fund. This scholarship fund provides $1,000 annually, awarded $500 each semester, to a selected Western Nevada Community College student.

Prudhomme was extremely successful during the fall semester and continues his progress to earn his associate degree at WNCC before transferring to a major university where he hopes to earn a degree that will lead to his becoming a certified public accountant.

Past master Bill Vining of Douglas Lodge No. 12 and past master Larry Darling of Carson Valley Lodge No. 33, representing all five Masonic lodges, presented the scholarship to Prudhomme.


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