Museum gala event features work of popular local artist

The Douglas County Historical Society announces an exhibit of popular local artist Mimi Jobe. The exhibit of her art opens Aug. 12 at Carson Valley museum and Cultural Center. This exhibit will contain art works showing the development of her style from early years to the present.

Also on Aug. 12 from 4-9 p.m., the historical society will host a birthday party for her and a reception for historical society members. Jobe has generously donated one of her original paintings to be raffled off, with proceeds benefiting the historical society.

Tickets are on sale now at the museum store for $2 each or three tickets for $5 for the reception. At the reception all of her art work displayed at the museum will be for sale with a percentage of the proceeds going to the historical society. Paintings not sold will be returned to Lone Tree Gallery in Minden which, for a limited time, will donate 10 percent of sales of Mimi Jobe's works to the historical society.

David Jobe, Mimi's son, will provide musical entertainment for the evening.

Guests may enjoy food and drink as they decide which painting they must have. Thomas, the Close-Up Magician, will perform his slight-of-hand tricks as he wanders through the crowd.


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