Man held after threats, escape attempt

An Oregon man who told a Douglas County deputy he would have killed him if he'd had the chance is to appear in court Tuesday on a felony escape charge and two counts of battery.

Karl Paul Jonathan Volosin, 25, also was charged with failing to register as a sex offender and obstructing a police officer.

Volosin was arrested Sunday at Harrah's Lake Tahoe casino where he was recognized as a suspect in a battery on June 15.

Harrah's security officers placed Volosin in wrist restraints and held him in a secure room behind the bell desk at the casino. As they awaited the arrival of Douglas County sheriff's deputies, Volosin reportedly kicked a security officer who wrestled him to the floor. He threatened the officers and said he would kill them and their families.

When deputies arrived Volosin refused to cooperate. A deputy found an Oregon identification in the suspect's wallet and a records search showed that he had a warrant for his arrest and that he was a sex offender and had not registered in Nevada.

Nevada law requires felons to register within 24 hours if they are going to be in the state longer than 24 hours or visit five times within a 30-day period.

As the deputy escorted Volosin to the patrol car, the suspect vomited in the area of the rear passenger door.

The deputy placed him in the car and lowered the window 4 inches to give Volosin fresh air. On the way to the jail at the Lake Tahoe substation, Volosin began vomiting out the window.

The deputy lowered the window a few more inches and as the vehicle approached Kingsbury Grade, the deputy noticed Volosin maneuvering his head and upper torso out the window.

The deputy stopped the patrol car and ordered Volosin back in. But the suspect climbed out the window and started running down the highway.

The deputy caught up with him and took to the ground. A second deputy arrived for backup and told Volosin to behave or he would get in more trouble.

"It would have been homicide if I'd had the chance," Volosin reportedly told the deputy.

He continued to be uncooperative with deputies at the jail.

He is being held on $29,000 bail.


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