Topaz Ranch Estates, Holbrook conduct annual cleanup

The annual Topaz Ranch Estates and Holbrook Junction Volunteer Community Cleanup Day will be 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday. Volunteers will meet at the TRE Park Building on Carter Way at 7 a.m. Cleanup will include the streets, Holbrook Junction as well as small parts of Minnihaha Canyon. Residents of TRE as well as Holbrook will be able to bring large trash items to the dumpsters located at the park building for TRE residents and Old Highway 3 behind the mobile home park for Holbrook cleanup.

Absolutely no large items will be accepted at the dump sites before 7 a.m. or after 5 p.m. No paints, oils, chemicals, liquids, refrigerators, brush, dirt or batteries will be accepted.

For the community volunteers, gloves, pokers (trash picker uppers) and water will be provided if needed.

For more information, contact Ole Chavez 266-3212 for the clean-up project and Lee Van Burnt 266-3212 during office hours or 266-4089 in the evenings after 5 p.m. concerning the TRE General Improvement District.


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