Get ready for rubber ducky race this weekend at festival

Our annual Walker Fall Festival is taking place this Saturday and Sunday, sponsored by the chamber of commerce. Hours each day 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the rubber duck race happening Sunday at noon. Be sure to get there for the craft fair, flea market, and all the other activities available, as well as a beer garden and lots of food; and don't miss the chance to win one of the very good raffle prizes offered.

Mortuary meeting

On Oct. 4, a meeting took place that included the Mono County sheriff/coroner, the health department, Brune and Buck Mortuary and approximately 50 local residents. There was much discussion about state and federal laws regarding the transport of a deceased person to a closer mortuary that is across the state line, as well as the emotional and financial hardships created by these laws. We learned that there was a California bill presented to the governor for signature that might change some of the current rules. After the meeting, we learned that the governor has signed the bill. This is opening the door to check further to see if this will apply to our area in such times of need. I'll keep you posted as we learn the outcome, since it definitely does affect us all.

Regional Planning Advisory Committee

The Regional Planning Advisory Committee met on Oct. 5. Unfortunately the scheduled mule deer presentation had to be postponed, as the fish and game representative had family business to deal with. There was extensive discussion about the county's proposed Night Sky Ordinance, which would mandate the types of lights you can have at your home, what direction the light must be aimed, and the penalties if not obeyed. The committee voted to advise the county that we reject the ordinance as inapplicable to our area and that the Antelope Valley requests exclusion from the ordinance if it is passed. This is another issue I'll keep you updated on, as things progress.

Lions Club barbecue

Congratulations to the Lions Club for another fantastic evening, as well as a successful fundraiser. As we have come to expect, they did a great job with the food and their usual warm and friendly gathering. There were so many raffle and auction items and door prizes. The hunting rifle with scope, donated by Topaz Lodge, was won by Bob Noble. The biggest of the raffle prizes was the 50-inch Plasma High Definition TV, won by Jim Ackles. In addition to the funds raised for their community support projects, $1,600 was raised to help John Aronson and his family through the recent horrible accidents which have left him and his grandson hospitalized. Hats off to the Lions Club and the community once again.

This and that

n The fire commission meeting will be Thursday evening at 6 p.m. at the fire station, instead of their usual Wednesday meeting time.

n 12:30 p.m. Oct. 19, the California Highway Patrol will give a presentation at the Walker Senior Center titled "Older Drivers Driving Safer and Longer." As on all weekdays, lunch will be served at noon. If you would like to have lunch before the meeting, you need to call Sid ahead of time at (530) 495-2323 and let him know you will be attending. We are told by the CHP that the presentation takes about 40 minutes and is very helpful to all older drivers.

n The Women's Club is going at full speed getting ready for their Nov. 12 bazaar. At their meeting Oct. 4, a gorgeous handmade quilt was donated by Ann Brumly for their raffle. The quilt has a dedication to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation on the underside. The Women's Club has also donated $100 to the foundation.

n Antelope Elementary School's football team, the Wolverines, won a week ago over Bridgeport 34-8. They played again after this column's deadline, so I can't report that score. Their last game of the season is today at 4 p.m. in Bridgeport.

n The Coleville High School Wolves won their game last Friday by forfeit over the Pyramid Lake team; but the big day is this Saturday at 1 p.m., with their homecoming game against Eureka. Let's all try to get out there and root them on.

n The Coleville volleyball team has really been doing well. Last week, they beat Virginia City, Friday they beat Pyramid Lake and Saturday they won over Gerlach. There isn't enough space to list how well they are playing individually, but suffice it to say, they are all really contributing to the team's success. They're on a roll.

n Fire Chief Ray Tems has mentioned how important it is for your address to be seen at the road by emergency responders, whether firemen, paramedics or sheriff's deputies. Many of our properties show no address, so it could be a very important issue in case of emergency, but one easily solved by property owners.

n Oct. 28, there will be a town hall meeting and free pasta dinner sponsored by supervisor candidate Bob Peters. This will be held 6 p.m. at the Walker Community Center.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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