Debate to be held Oct. 18

The Business Council of Douglas County will be holding a countywide public debate on Oct. 18. Residents will hear a fact-filled evening on the ballot items relating to Douglas County.

Sen.Mark Amodei will facilitate the evening. The town hall meeting is open to all residents.

The event will commence with information and Q&A regarding ballot advisory question 1, to increase the sales and use tax in Douglas County 1/2 of 1 percent for the purposes of hiring, equipping and providing facilities for police officers and the criminal justice system in Douglas County. Question 2 to impose a sales and use tax of 1/4 of 1 percent for the purposes of acquiring, developing, constructing, equipping, operating, maintaining, improving and managing facilities and services for senior citizens, libraries, parks and recreational programs and for the purpose of protecting and preserving agriculture. There will be a Pro and Con panel debating on the merits of each question.

Additionally, county commissioner hopefuls, as well as candidates for Assembly District 39, will participate in a Q&A with the emcee.

The three-hour forum will take place at the CVIC Hall in Minden beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday. It will consist of questions from a panel and questions from audience members. The debate will be taped by local television station channel 19 and 26.

The business council and the chamber of commerce have both been fielding calls and inquiries regarding the issues on the ballot as well as requests for information on the candidates.

"We felt the ballot questions were critical issues this year and we wanted to open up the dialogue between the voters and the experts to give them the ability to sort through the information in a town hall format," said Renea Louie, executive director of the Business Council of Douglas County. "This year we have read and heard a lot about questions 1 and 2. Voters need the chance to ask questions of the candidates and the committees for and against the initiatives:"

The Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Record-Courier are co-sponsors of the event.

There will also be access to the candidates before and after the event. Seating is limited, doors open at 5:30 p.m. it is recommended that residents arrive early. For questions, contact Louie at 782-6715 or e-mail


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