Douglas High grad completes basic training

Trevor Clark graduated from U.S. Army basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. as Johnson Lane residents Toby and Traci Clark proudly watched.

Trevor is a 2005 graduate of Douglas High School, who attended Jacks Valley Elementary School and Carson Valley Middle School.

Trevor will be going to Army cook school at Fort Lee, Va.

Toby retired from the U.S. Army where he was a medic and then an infantry first sergeant.

The family moved to Carson Valley in 1990 after Toby retired from the military.

It turns out that Toby once ran the hospital in Fort Huachuca in southern Arizona, which is where my brother was stationed until last month.

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Estelle Whalen sent me a photo she took of her daughter's kitten curled up inside her purse the other night.

Estelle is a Topaz Ranch Estates resident who says she loves it when we have cute photos in the paper.

Certainly her work "Cat in the Bag" qualifies under that category.

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Gardnerville Ranchos resident Anita Rust Meadows is raising money to participate in a 26.2 mile marathon for the Arthritis Foundation's Joints in Motion.

Because the marathon is in Honolulu, the three-year Valley resident has to raise $3,550.

"I only need $2,865 more to reach my goal," she said. "That's only 20 people or businesses donating $150 each." The donations are tax deductible, according to Anita, and donors get their logo or name on the team T-shirts, jackets or race singlet.

"A donation of any amount will help me in my endeavor and be greatly appreciated.

Anita is hosting a yard sale 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at 1323 Patricia Drive. For more information on Joints in motion, e-mail Anita can be reached at 220-8401.

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It appears that the Carson Valley 20-30 Club's annual haunted house has given up the ghost. But rather than just walk away, the 20-30 Club wants to replace the house with a haunted movie night Oct. 29 at the CVIC Hall.

Representatives talked to Minden Town Board members about getting support for the issue in September.

As we get a little closer to the date, we'll find out when and what movie they're showing.

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On Tuesday, former R-C reporter Maggie O'Neill made the rounds with her new baby, 4-week-old Samantha Wirtenen.

Little Samantha Josephine was born Sept. 15, to Maggie and husband Chris Wirtanen at St. Mary's Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.

Her mom will return to ink-stained wretchdom at the Reno Gazette-Journal where she is the night reporter.

n Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at or 782-5121, ext. 215.


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