Douglas 4-H Rabbit/Cavy Club exceeds

On Oct. 14, the 4-H State Expo was held at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Not only rabbits and cavies were there, but also animals such as horses, dogs, and reptiles were present. After all of the judging of the animals, there was a barbecue and a dance for all the kids. Kelsey Blotter, Shandi Anderson and Amelia Ritger of the Douglas County 4-H Funny Bunny, Wavy Cavy and Wicked Chicken Club brought their animals.

Fantastic job, Kelsey Blotter, age 10, for having the grand champion cavy, reserve champion cavy for the costume contest, getting grand champion in the cavy races and fourth place for showmanship. Congratulations to Shandi Anderson, age 14, for getting best opposite sex of breed with her broken opal mini rex, periwinkle and best of variety with four of her mini rexs. Great job Amelia Ritger, age 13, for getting second place with her Siamese sable lionhead, Chewy, and winning intermediate grand champion rabbit showmanship. Good Luck at the next show everyone!

The 4-H program is a youth leadership and development program of University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.


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