Nevada spring anyone's bet

Ah, spring.

Mother Nature is blowing hot and cold as she does every year.

This weekend was an example of cold, with a coating of snow nearly down to the Valley floors.

Next weekend may be an example of hot with temperatures approaching 80.

Blossoms brought forth by an unusually warm March are now frozen in parts of the Valley, which doesn't bode very well for the apple crop.

Which might mean something if we didn't let bears do most of the harvesting.

The official season for measuring snowpack ended on April 1, so there isn't much hard data, but we know that every little bit of snow that falls now will help out the summer.

More importantly, the longer cooler temperatures last in the Sierra, the slower the snow pack melts off.

The ranchers are expecting a long, dry summer, which means every little bit of moisture that falls helps.

They say April is the cruelest month.

Well, so far, it hasn't been that kind in terms of springlike weather, but that's probably OK for now.

There's no predicting what spring will do in Western Nevada and that's the way we like it.


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