Mountain lion pays a visit to East Valley

In March this year I had a neighbor who lives on Squires call me to report a mountain lion with one or maybe even two cubs that were in their yard. It is happening again so I wonder if it could be the same one. Perhaps it is here in our neighborhood again because there is not much water up in the Pine Nut Mountains this time of year.

Harley Buckingham lives on Squires, off East Valley Road, north of Stephanie. He called me to say that at least one adult and possibly a cub have come into his fenced yard two nights in a row. The first night it ate all his ducks, then the second night it ate a half dozen or so chickens. Harley thinks the cat is coming down the Arroyo Creek looking for its meals in backyards instead of looking out in the hills for rabbits, squirrels and mice.

When Harley called the U.S. Department of Wildlife to see if they could come out with a live trap, they said they were too busy. They recommended Harley try and keep the animals safe for five nights in a row, and the cat should move on to a different food source. I don't know about you, but if I were his neighbor, I would think it would come to my house first.

Maybe Harley could get a live trap from Douglas County Animal Shelter. I know my neighbor got one from them one time when a skunk was eating some of her chickens.

Mountain lions can jump over fences easily so pens for our pets need to be strong, with tops on them. Listen for your big dogs barking and check out what they are barking at, maybe it's the big cat, or if there is a ruckus in your hen house, check it out. Make sure to carry a shovel or something with you in case you spot it in your yard. Scary!

Is it time for school yet?

That kind of sounds like the little kid in my back seat asking, "Are we there yet?" Wow, I can't believe summer is almost over, well at least if you have school age children. Piñon Hills Elementary School starts just one week from today on Aug. 22 so start getting ready to be looking out for the school buses stopping in your neighborhood.

-- Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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