Sertoma awards scholarships w/photo

Carson Valley Sertoma club members hosted a breakfast reunion for 2007 scholarship winners Michael Barnes and Will Morgan on June 15 at Sharkey's.

Barnes and Morgan, who are students at University of Nevada, Reno, were selected by the Sertoma scholarship committee headed by Bob Centanni. Scholarship committee members include Denny Hogan, Bill Broquist, Dave Rich, Cynthia Sawyer, Bunny Petersen, Bobbie Cropper and Sally Wiley.

Past scholarship winners joined the breakfast celebration: 2001 recipient Lauren Hayes, 2003 recipient Erin Zelinsky, 2005 recipient Evan Tuinier and 2006 recipient Tara Scaduto.

Also attending were parents of the recipients: Jim and Debbie Barnes, Steve and Danette Morgan. Whittell High School registrar Lindy Guajardo, Phyllis Bateman from the Douglas High School scholarship office attended as well as the parents of former recipients: Christine Zelinsky, Sandra Tuinier, Robert Scaduto and friends Dana Centanni and Katrina Falcke-Tholen.

Carson Valley Sertoma Club's scholarship program has helped students since 1995. Graduating students are encouraged to check with school counselors about Sertoma scholarships.


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