Class receives Valentine's Day shipment of cupcakes

A Jacks Valley Elementary School fifth-grade class was so inspired by cupcakes they wrote poems, slogans and created art about them.

Keely O'Donnell had read a story to her class about Maniac McGee who loved a variety of cupcakes made in Philadelphia.

"Miss O'Donnell loves Maniac McGee and her mom lives in Philadelphia so she asked her to send some krimpets," said Alison Gonder, 12.

The class loved the butterscotch krimpets so much they wrote poems and made posters that their teacher sent to the company.

Katie Scott and Danisha Williams worked on a project together: "The more you eat 'em, the more you'll love 'em. You'll be in creamy paradise," was what their poster advertised. In the background is a moon and the words, "You'll be looney for Tastykakes."

"In the letter we wrote, we mentioned we really, really, really liked krimpets," said Jesse Bullock, 10.

A month later, the class was surprised with a package and a letter from the Tasty Baking Co.

Charlie Pizzi, the president of the company, said in the letter that he put the art up in the employee cafeteria. He told the students that Tastykakes aren't sold in Nevada because not many people know about them.

"You are obviously a very creative class and I wish you the best of luck," wrote Pizzi. "Please enjoy this shipment of Tastykakes."

The students enjoyed samples of each of the varieties of cupcakes - creme filled, chocolate, vanilla, peanut butter and butterscotch krimpets - on Valentine's Day.

"This is a very creative group," said O'Donnell. "I won't be surprised to know if they go into advertising."


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