Chef brings cuisine to home

Chef Tiffany Frevert remembers cooking up her own recipes for her family at just 14 years old.

"I've always loved cooking, even when I was young," Frevert said. "I would open the cupboard and just start throwing stuff together."

The best part about being the chef in the family: She never had to do the dishes.

Now as a personal chef and owner of Your Home Chef, Frevert hopes to bring home-cooked, restaurant-quality meals to homes around Carson Valley.

Frevert's services include an interview with clients to decide on a menu and to discuss dietary requirements. Frevert can cook dinner for one day or enough for a week's worth of meals that can be frozen and popped into the oven at a later date.

Frevert said that the advantage of using a personal chef is the amount of time people can save.

"If they hired me the groceries would already be bought, the meal would already be cooked and the kitchen would be cleaned," Frevert said.

Frevert's menu includes spinach-stuffed salmon fillets, baked pork chops with parmesan-sage crust, chicken and artichoke lasagna and roasted sweet potatoes with lime syrup and chives. She also makes brownies, tarts, cookies and pies for dessert.

But her menu is just the beginning. Frevert said she offers a lot more.

"Part of the personal chef is that you get to personalize your meals," she said.

Frevert will not only cook for families, but can also cater small parties.

A graduate of the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, Frevert has worked for restaurants in San Francisco, Berkeley and Telluride, Colo. She's now a chef for Fiona's.

Since graduating from culinary school Frevert has wanted to open her own business, but didn't want the overhead expenses running a restaurant or bakery would require.

Frevert describes her cooking as healthy comfort food, although she said many of her dishes are Italian inspired. "I go a little toward the Italian side sometimes," she said.

For information on Your Home Chef go to, call Frevert at (775) 901-2091 or e-mail her at


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