A holiday week

Things have been going at a much slower pace here in the valley in the last week or so. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that next week is a holiday week, with the 4th on Wednesday, and people are planning ahead for the events coming. For this holiday, most of the northern Mono County action is focused in Bridgeport, with many of our residents participating or just enjoying it all. Our Antelope Valley Lions Club will be bartending for a barbecue and concert at the Bridgeport Ranch on Tuesday evening. Then, on Wednesday, they will have a float in the Bridgeport parade. In addition to the Lions, the Walker River Colorguard will be performing in the parade, so be sure to cheer them on. Besides the parade, there is a street fair of arts and crafts on the main street, at which our Antelope Valley Artists will have a booth, showing their talented creations.

With recent wildfire activity in Northern Nevada, as well as the Larson fire in our own valley, it is essential that everyone be extremely careful during this fire season. Please remember that even innocent-looking sparklers for the little children on the 4th can cause a big fire. For all our sakes, please don't take a chance.

Relay for Life fundraiser

A fun evening is on tap for this Saturday between 4 and 8 p.m. at the Seek In Each Ranch, 1351 Old Foothill Road, Gardnerville. There will be a hoedown, with a barbecue and live music. All proceeds will go toward the Carson and Antelope Valley teams' goals for contribution to the American Cancer Society. Contact the ranch at 883-1508 for reservations or information. If you attend, please mention the Antelope Valley team, and they will get credit toward their goal. The actual Relay for Life will be held Aug. 4 and 5, at Lampe Park. If you would like to join the local team, call Tammy at (530) 495-2239.

Fire department anniversary

The 60th anniversary of the Antelope Valley Volunteer Fire Department will be celebrated on Aug. 4 at the Community Park in Walker. There will be a planning meeting this evening, 6 p.m. at the Walker fire station. If you would be interested in volunteering to assist or just give some good ideas, please come to the meeting.

This and that

Several of our local clubs and organizations have "gone dark" with no meetings this summer. They will begin again in September, but it does quiet things down around here for a few months. Just enjoy your summer time off, everyone, since it will be over before we know it.

-- Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@schat.net or (530) 495-2552.


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