Man reports theft of copper tubing

The owner of York Plumbing reported May 2 that two barrels of copper tubing were stolen.

He said the tubing had been collected in two barrels that were bright pink with green lettering.

When he arrived at work at 8 a.m., he noticed the lock to a security fence was cut and the barrels were missing.

He told deputies that he had been approached by two men the week before who offered him $500 for the copper tubing, but he refused.

-- Nearly $4,000 in household goods and automobile items were reported stolen from a vacation house at Laurel Court, a Douglas County sheriff's deputy reported.

Ransacked in the garage was a 1978 GMC which had its battery, stereo, license plates, switches for the hydraulic snow plow and other items stolen, the deputy stated.

In all, $3,770 worth of items was reported stolen.

-- The Douglas County Sheriff's Office reported 14 contacts for domestic violence April 25-May 1.

There were seven verbal domestics, four arrests for domestic battery, one arrest for mental health and two unfounded reports of domestic battery and a court order violation.

Five juveniles witnessed domestic violence and one juvenile was a suspect in a verbal domestic for a total of six juvenile contacts.

The Family Support Council submitted two requests to East Fork Justice Court for temporary restraining orders with two approvals.

Four requests were submitted for anti-stalking and harassment orders with two approvals and two denials.

Connie Richardson, sheriff's office domestic violence prevention coordinator, said the average range for domestic violence contacts is 12-14 per week for this time period.

The average range for children witnessing domestic violence is 9-11 per week with juvenile suspects at 0-2 per week.


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