Prayer for Memorial Day

What a privilege we enjoy to live in a country where we have freedom, freedom to speak our minds, to live where we choose, work where we want and worship how we are led. All of those freedoms and many more are only possible because great men of faith framed a constitution, bill of rights and other documents designed to protect our God-given rights as human beings.

During this Memorial Day weekend we remember those who went before them and came after them. Men and women who gave their lives to protect those freedoms, so we can enjoy the blessings of almighty God upon our great nation. We remember the lives sacrificed that we may live in freedom. I personally say thank you, thank you, thank you. I would like to offer a prayer for all those who are now serving around the globe to protect our homeland.

Father I ask you to stir our hearts to remember those who daily put their lives on the line to protect their country and their families. Please remind us to pray for them regularly and to ask your blessing, protection and care upon each and every one of them. Lord Jesus I ask that you comfort them in every situation and their families here and around the world. You are the source of all peace and protection. Let them know that we love them and appreciate their dedication to protect those who sometimes that their freedom too lightly.

I ask all this in Jesus' name.

-- Leo Kruger is pastor at Valley Christian Fellowship.


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