Register now for eagles and ag event

The Carson Valley agricultural and ranching community with the Carson Valley Visitors Authority, Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy and the Great Basin Birding Observatory host the annual birds of prey viewing and agricultural education Eagles and Agriculture Event, Feb. 20, 22, 23, 24.

The Eagles and Agriculture tours and workshops focus on bald eagles and other birds of prey that come to Carson Valley to feed on rodents and nutrient-rich afterbirth during the winter calving season. The event attracts photographers, birders and nature-lovers who come to observe bald and golden eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, and other wildlife.

A tour of area ranches is Feb. 20 where participants learn about Carson Valley ranching and conservation and have the opportunity to observe and photograph birds of prey from vantage points not available to the general public. The tour is $35 per person and includes motor coach transportation with experts on Carson Valley history and wildlife.

The birds of prey lecture and cocktail reception is Feb. 22 with wildlife biologist Gary Herron and falconer Lew Souder who will bring a falcon and two North American goshawks. Cost of reception is $35 which includes hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar.

The field tour to observe the birds of prey is Feb. 23, followed by a buffet lunch. Cost is $60. The Owl Prowl tour of area barns and other owl habitat is Feb. 23. Cost is $35.

The cost of the two-day photography workshop, offered on Saturday and Sunday, is $60 per person. A guided raft/canoe trip on the Carson River is Feb. 24. Cost is $75.

Space is limited for all Eagles and Agriculture events, so participants are encouraged to sign-up as soon as possible.

Proceeds from the Eagles and Ag event benefit local wildlife, conservation and agriculture projects. Sponsors do not guarantee wildlife sightings. Events leave as scheduled regardless of weather conditions. All tours and events are staged or hosted by the Carson Valley Inn.

Information on Eagles and Agriculture events and special lodging rates at Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Authority, on the Web at or call toll-free, (866)530-3551.


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