The R-C Morning Report: Fires

The beautiful weather we've been experiencing has come at a price for those living in Southern California. The high pressure here has set the Santa Ana winds in motion. According to the Inciweb national fire information Web site, the Ranch Fire in the Angeles National Forest is the largest of the set at 51,337 acres. The Angeles and Los Padres National Forests are closed. Crews from all over Northern Nevada are in California fighting the fires, including one from East Fork. The satellite mapping system shows a cluster of hot spots and smoke plumes all along the Southern California coast ranging from Los Angeles to Mexico. When the wind does shift, all that smoke is going to come this way.

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The weather today will continue to be sunny with a high of 77 degrees and a low tonight near freezing. The weather pattern is expected to break up by Thursday night with clouds and cooler temperatures rolling in for Saturday's Nevada Day Parade.


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