Girls' Golf: Tigers do it again

The Douglas girls' golf team continued their impressive season last week with its third consecutive tournament win.

Despite gusty conditions and recently top-dressed greens, Douglas pushed ahead for the league win at Wildcreek Golf Course in Sparks.

Freshman Bethany Wurster shot her second score in the 70s this season with a 78 and Katie Gettman followed at 85.

Sophomore Heather Henderson shot an 86 and Michele Nikkels weighed in with a 92. Shelby Louie had a 94 and Rachel Merino continued to show improvement for the Tigers as they improved upon their score from the previous week (444) with a 435.

Carson was 37 shots behind at 472 and Reno took third with a 507.

"Bethany played really well despite the nasty cold she was fighting off," Douglas coach Steve Gustafson said. "She made some incredible saves today."

Wurster came in second overall to Carson's Lydia Peri, who shot a 76.

"It was great to see five of our girls under 95," Gustafson said. "They have been working hard and their putting has really improved. I'm seeing a lot less three-putts and a lot more one-putts. Every girl carded at least one birdie today."


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