Remembering the old days in Gardnerville

I'm sorry to say that I'm not a native Nevadan, but I've been here since 1962 and in Carson Valley since 1969. I was born and raised in "Old" California, family there since 1832. So, I can sympathize with those that have come to Carson Valley seeking a better way of life. Apparently the new publisher of The Record-Courier, Mr. Don Rogers, isn't one of them.

In his writings, I can feel his resentment and arrogance. Mister, who are you to come to this Valley and tell us how to run it and what is best for us? We didn't need you before and we certainly don't need you now. To start off with, we do care how people pronounce Nevada. Either pronounce it correctly or leave. This is our home, we take pride in it. I was one of the people that phoned the TV station when Brian Williams keep saying "Na-Vah-da" Ð I just couldn't take it any more. The next night on his broadcast, he pronounced it correctly and made reference to "a Grandma" in Nevada that had complained. That was me. So you see, Mr. Rogers, we little people, the backbone of Nevada and Carson Valley, do and can, make a difference.

Yes, I know where the airport is. One thing about you that I don't appreciate, is your talking down to the citizens of this community, as though we had no intelligence and needed to be guided like children.

"Chicken Little," "let's get real," "pardon me if I scoff a bit," all of your not so clever "big city" talk. We were once a very comfortable, safe, and homey place to live. No traffic, beautiful agriculture lands with cows and seasonal plantings, big trees in town (Minden Park), very little crime, our children went to 4-H, and safely to school.

Then, came the developers (a cuss word in our house) and they did "What was best for us," and changed the whole atmosphere of our Valley. I gag when I read that someone has moved here for the small town atmosphere and the views.

This is no longer a small town and the views are being clouded with smog and fireplace smoke. The beautiful land that we loved is being built over with houses and businesses. The big beautiful trees are being cut down. It is no longer safe to go out at night. But, at least we still have relative quiet in the air.

I love to watch the crop dusters as they work the fields and the gliders so silently in the clouds. Sure, once in awhile, we have a high roller jet come in, bound for Tahoe or Reno. The Care Flight helicopters are a matter of life or death, and are urgently needed. But, we do not need a big airport, now or in the future. It is just fine as is.

Strange isn't it, how all of a sudden Piñon Aero is here with their proposal for (many) hangars at the airport and nothing has ever been mentioned in the paper before they started the progress to development? Sounds just like the roundabout at County Road and 88 that nobody wanted but the state felt that it was in "our best interest" to have it.

It seems as though the residents of this Valley are always the last to know when something is being done for "their best interest and welfare." Hum, the county commissioners and planning commission always seem to know and approve in advance of the people they are supposed to serve.

There have been many fine Letters to the Editor written by concerned people that share my love of this Valley. It has been suggested that you, Mr. Rogers, return to Colorado and the way of life that suits you better. We once had a wonderful hometown newspaper in The Record-Courier. It was filled with local news and happenings. It came out on Thursdays and cost 25 cents. We need a publisher that understands Nevada and its people. That doesn't put us down and acts "big city." It used to be that you had to be here for 20 years, before you were considered a "native" or even had a voice in local happenings. Of course that, along with other things, has changed. They call it "progress." I, because I'm a lady, won't tell you what I call it.

Ah, where have I heard that before? The Minden-Tahoe Airport will never approach the traffic of Vail's airport, etc. and etc. Such and such, will never happen here.

People all over the country have been sold that bill of goods on many things, when someone with money wants their way.

Carson Valley, be careful. Be vigilant. Ask questions. Read. Don't let the "money guy" take you for a country pumpkin or fool. They are not doing it for you, they are doing it for the (their) money. I've heard this story before: my family home in Stockton has been plowed under for a warehouse.

My grandparents ranch and orange grove in Santa Ana, is now home to a superslide and theme park. My former in-laws in Sparks, lost their family home to the freeway. Progress? I can see it gradually happening here.

When people like Don Rogers come to our area and tell us that everything is going to be OK and not to worry, that is the time to worry Ð and maybe even be a little scared. Wake up before it is too late. Don't be complacent and let the other guy do it. One day you may say to yourself "Gee, what happened to our beautiful Valley, it looks like the place I came here to escape."

n Gayle Avansino is a Minden resident.


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